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Persimmon Strike

Persimmon Strike

Regular price $75.00
Regular price Sale price $75.00
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$75.00 per pound

GA 2383 Persimmon Strike 7mm - COE 33 - Cane

Pricing is per pound. Available in 7mm diameter rods.

Persimmon Strike, 2383 was developed to yield a playful orange. Your intention and skill can determine many outcomes with this color. Consider Persimmon Strike a more amped-up version of Tequila Sunrise. Working Tip: Get this color white hot to erase the striking history. A variety of effects are achievable depending on how long you flame/kiln strike.

Artist Description by Mike Shelbo:
"This wonderful fusion of color could almost be called a ruby Triple Passion. The striking properties range from rubies to purples and blues, yellows and greens. While working the piece you will see continuous color shifts and you should consider how thick your color application is and at what point you would like the color to stop changing. For example, increased kiln time and temp will strike out the rubies and purples leaving you with a different looking piece that went in the kiln.

The mixing of results that you will find as you work this color is just gorgeous. I find myself wanting to keep the array of pinks, oranges, rubies and yellows that earned the persimmon reference, but the light greens and blues that show up during the sculpting process compliment the other colors so well, a delicate balance of intense spot heating and reheating is needed to capture the whole range in one piece.

I think that a quick annealing at 1030F is called for when you like the look of the piece going into the kiln. (If it is what you are going for and you do not want it to continue to strike get in and out of the kiln without a long hold.) This color is really fun and has moved into my top favorite Glass Alchemy color list." - Mike Shelbo

Glass Alchemy, Ltd. is a family run business providing high quality borosilicate glass to artists around the world. Since opening in 2000, Glass Alchemy, Ltd. has dedicated itself to developing and manufacturing unique high quality colored glass, made by hand in small batches.

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